Wednesday, January 6, 2010


nie ngah ada mood nk tulis pasal wedding aritue. plan nk wat review both sides after majlis kt Kuantan td tp a few dh risik2 tanye so better share kt sini kan?

walimatul urus Hairiliza & Shariffudin
date: 02012010
make up by: Lydia from Seri Delima Bridal Gallery
pelamin by: Seri Delima Bridal Gallery
Canopy by: Seri Delima Bridal Gallery
Cake by: Azie Cakes

havent posted the photo of our wedding cake secara clear. so here is our wedding cake!

p/s: thanks kak azie! i heart the cake damn much! :)


jarjar said...

ms.hai (ke dah change to Pn.Hai?)
can u mail me the package from seri delima? i emailed them tapi tak berbalas la..thanks :)

jarjar said...

oh lupe email:

thanks! :)