Wednesday, February 3, 2010


Oh my GOD...i MISS this guy so much!
being so far away from him, feel so close though...
i love u husband...
i always do...


dialicious said...

i miss my hubby tooooo :( 2 weeks tak jmpe n another 5mths to go..huhuh..awak bile dpt jmpe?
i think i havent wished u yet.COngrats dear!u looked pretty in grey baju n ur pelamin sgt sweetttt...kalo saya kt kuantan dh lama dtg k..hehe

ms.hai said...

to diah: this cny i'm going to meet him! Pre-honeymoon! So sorry to hear that ur hubby will be away for 6 months! Klu i lar dh lama amik cuti n ikut dia. Anyway,be strong ya!

Unknown said...

sedangkan yang dekat pun boleh rindu
ini kan pulak kalau berjauhan
takpe..pendam rindu
dpt jumpa nanti lagi terasa syukur nikmat dpt bersua muka tu
tabahkan hati ye

ms.hai said...

dayu: thanks ya! btw, perut awk comel~